Ages and Gender
- Our league comprises divisions for kids between the ages of 4 and 16.
- Each division has unique programs for boys and girls, other than Tee Ball, which is a co-ed division.
- Depending on skill set, players are eligible to move up to the next age group if they are within 1 year of the above group. This is called “dual rostering” by Little League International.
- We encourage those players with higher skill set to consider dual rostering to give them a real game feel of the next level.
- Safety is the main priority in all our divisions; therefore, any player moving up to the next age division must have the appropriate skill set to do so and be McLane Board approved.
- League Age Determination: League Age Calculator
Division Change Request
Division Change Request
Medical Release Form
Medical Release Form
- Games are played twice a week during the weekdays Monday-Friday. When, where, and how often practices occur are at the discretion of each coach.
- While none of the events are required, attendance and participation are highly recommended as they help each player work on the skills of the game along with sportsmanship; team building; and overall respect for player, coaches, umpires and all involved.
- The league starts in February with our “open gym” workouts. While not mandatory, these are strongly encouraged as it is a great time to bring the children together to work on basic skills including throwing, pitching, hitting, and fielding.
- These gym times are also very beneficial for coaches and league officials to determine the number of teams needed for each division and allow for skills assessment when building teams for best competitiveness during the season.
- Games begin in May and run through June.
Tee Ball
- The Tee Ball Division is for boys and girls ages 4-7.
- The purpose of Tee Ball is designed to get children familiar and comfortable with the game. For many this will be their first experience, so enjoyment and fun are extremely important at this age.
- The season runs about 8 to 9 weeks total if you include the four open gym practices that start two weeks prior to the season.
- Tee Ball players will start practice in late April in an open gym format (twice per week for two weeks). In early May they will have games twice a week for six weeks. Typically, there are no additional practices for Tee Ball as the coaches are on the fields during games.
- Teams are created by our Tee Ball Coordinator with the effort to distribute ages and gender equally. We try our best to put friends together.
- All games will be played at the Edinboro fields.
- Games times generally start at 6:00 pm and last 1 hour.
Minor - Coach/Machine Pitch Division
- The Instructional Divisions are for boys and girls ages 6-8.
- Players are taught the fundamentals, as well as, the importance of playing together as a team. The focus is on player development. This league is also called “Coach Pitch” as this will be the first year players hit a ball thrown to them.
- Season runs from February – June. February – April are considered our Open Gym times and practices occur once a week. Games begin in May and go through June.
- Team are drafted usually 3rd week of April by coaches of each team. While friends are considered, teams are drafted to achieve equal competitiveness across the division.
- Games will be played at the Edinboro fields as well neighboring towns (i.e., Albion, Fairview, Girard, Waterford etc..).
- Games times generally start at 6:00 pm and last 2 hours. During school time, an inning will not start after 8:00 pm. Once school is out of session this time extends to 8:30 pm.
- For Softball - An 11” ball is used in this league.
Minor - Player Pitch Division
- The Minor Divisions are for boys are 8-10 and girls ages 8-11.
- Players continue to learn and practice the fundamentals of the game, as well as, the importance of playing together as a team. The focus is on player development. This will be the first year where players pitch to batters.
- Season runs from February – June. February – April are considered our Open Gym times and practices occur once a week. Games begin in May and go through June.
- Team are drafted usually 3rd week of April by coaches of each team. While friends are considered, teams are drafted to achieve equal competitiveness across the division.
- Games will be played at the Edinboro fields as well neighboring towns (i.e., Albion, Fairview, Girard, Waterford etc..).
- Games times generally start at 6:00 pm and last 2 hours. During school time, an inning will not start after 8:00 pm. Once school is out of session this time extends to 8:30 pm.
- For Softball - A 12” ball is used in this league.
Major Division
- The Major Division are for boys and girls ages 10-12.
- This is considered an intermediate level of the game. Although many players have experience with the game, the focus remains on fundamentals, continued player development regardless of skill set and abilities and teamwork.
- Season runs from February – June. February – April are considered our Open Gym times and practices occur once a week. Games begin in May and go through June.
- Team are drafted usually 3rd week of April by coaches of each team. While friends are considered, teams are drafted to achieve equal competitiveness across the division.
- Games will be played at the Edinboro fields as well neighboring towns (i.e., Albion, Fairview, Girard, Waterford etc..).
- Games times generally start at 6:00 pm and last 2 hours. During school time, an inning will not start after 8:00 pm. Once school is out of session this time extends to 8:30 pm.
- For Softball - A 12” ball is used in this league and pitching becomes a high priority.
Junior Division
- The Junior Division are for boys and girls ages 12-14.
- While many players have a thorough knowledge of the game and advanced skills, fundamentals are still taught and practiced. High school regulation size fields are used for games.
- Season runs from February – June. February – April are considered our Open Gym times and practices occur once a week. Games begin in May and go through June.
- Team are drafted usually 3rd week of April by coaches of each team. While friends are considered, teams are drafted to achieve equal competitiveness across the division.
- Games will be played at the Edinboro fields as well neighboring towns (i.e., Albion, Fairview, Girard, Waterford etc..).
- Games times generally start at 6:00 pm and last 2 hours. During school time, an inning will not start after 8:00 pm. Once school is out of session this time extends to 8:30 pm.
Senior Division - The Senior Division are for boys and girls ages 14-16.
- High school regulation size fields are used for games.
- Season runs from February – June. February – April are considered our Open Gym times and practices occur once a week. Games begin in May and go through June.
- Team are drafted usually 3rd week of April by coaches of each team. While friends are considered, teams are drafted to achieve equal competitiveness across the division.
- Games will be played at the Edinboro fields as well neighboring towns (i.e., Albion, Fairview, Girard, Waterford etc..).
- Games times generally start at 6:00 pm and last 2 hours. During school time, an inning will not start after 8:00 pm. Once school is out of session this time extends to 8:30 pm.